The Biggest Surprise Gift From My wife Came in on 2022 Valentine Days (A Tiger Baby)

My Wife Surprises me with Pregnancy Announcement During Relaxing at home, My wife and I recently discovered she's is about five weeks pregnant. This was a big surprise for both of us and the biggest news in my entire life. While it may seem like my job is complete. The transfer was made. The deposit was accepted.
On the next week, that mean on the sixth week of pregnancy. My wife having bad vomiting and nausea that made us worried, So we went to Thomson Hospital at Kota Damansara for specialist appointment Check up.
At the same time Doctor have done the ultrasound scan, We get to see the heart beat of the baby. Still mini and it is the happiest day for us, we both drop some tears. 
22/02/2022 (6th Week)
My wife now has a big job in front of her and her body takes the brunt of it. She is growing the baby inside of her. I wanted to be there to help My Wife however I could during her pregnancies. Really… watching her go through pregnancy and birthing our children was awe inspiring. I highly recommend being as involved as possible.
01/03/2022 (8th Week)
Night visited Hospital Kuala Lumpur Due to Emergency and the baby is fine and stable at the moment, Makes me and wife nervous that night. Causes of bleeding
23/03/2022 (11th Week)
Obstetric & Gynecologist Appointment at Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Obstetric & Gynecologist clinic is located at level 2 within the Maternity Block of the Kuala Lumpur Hospital compound. Ultrasound scans Show clear that baby with head and body have appear and my wife claim why the baby have a sharp nose, hahaha. A strong fetal heartbeat can be clearly seen and heart by requested. 
THE PINK BOOK, If my wife not pregnant, I wouldn't know what the heck is this Pink Book. For new mums-to-be, first we open up pink book at the Segambut Health Clinic. Make sure call up your nearest Health Clinic/Klinik Kesihatan to book a date for the first visit, unfortunately walk in are not welcome. most of the mothers-to-be at the point of time said that it is better to have that pink book. Friendly nurses will ask few question on phone during the booking and will provide a date for you to visit ( can't choose own convenience date ) 

For more information step by step can visit: Pregnant? Here’s What To Do – Dr Ayu Akida
30/03/2022 (12th Week)
First visit and check up at Segambut Health Clinic, Head, body, little hands, little legs and buttock shown in ultrasound scan 6.29cm 12th week 5th day. Looks healthy and wish hardly that you will be a healthy baby, deliver due date will be 7th October 2022.
01/04/2022 (12th Week)
We went to Thomson Hospital at Kota Damansara for specialist to check while my wife was complaining about stomach pain. we are really scared of stomach cramping that gave a bad sign, To know that the baby is fine, we do Ultrasound to make sure there are still have heartbeat. Heartbeat is there and baby is safe and sound. they baby is so active by moving the hand and leg to say " Hello " to us.
02/04/2022 (12th Week)
Just Next day after visiting Thomson Hospital at Kota Damansara, My wife having heavy blood flow from vagina and drop a blood clot just like having period. And at the same time we are praying hard for the baby to stay strong like before. By the afternoon after lunch time 2pm, We visited Hospital Kuala Lumpur in emergency situation. My Wife bad luck on that day, she get an arrogant Indian Lady Doctor that not really friendly. Previous visit on 01/03/2022 a month ago, that is a sweet Malay Lady doctor. This Indian Lady Doctor just do a simply check up on my wife situation and not helpful at all. Same goes to other patient in that wad and all done the check up fast, She can't identify where the blood flow come from and write a wrong report. That is not a professional Doctor for me, I get angry and forget to ask the name of the doctor. We do Ultrasound again to make sure there are still have heartbeat, thanks Lord Heartbeat is there and baby is safe and sound.  
05/04/2022 (12th Week)
Second visit and normal schedule check up at Segambut Health Clinic, Today My wife went for Blood Glucose Test. Doctor find out my wife having lost blood in the body and gave blood increase medicine to balance back the blood. At the same time, We request for ultrasound scan to make sure the baby is healthy in the mommy stomach. We do so because of the effect few days ago, to calm our heart with a deep breath. Heartbeat is there and baby is safe and sound.
13/04/2022 (14th Week)
Third visit and normal schedule check up at Segambut Health Clinic, ultrasound scan and the baby is very active in the stomach by moving the arm and leg doing some shuffle dance in there. As a father of the baby, that touches me with abit of teardrops. Deliver due date will be 12th October 2022 due to the baby measurement.


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